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全国首家天使宝贝学生 公益社团签约成立!

LWS Charity Club

 Love & Warm 






When can children start participating in charity activities?

How to guide children to participate in charity activities?

For children, what are the positive effects of participating in public welfare activities on their body and mind?





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At two o'clock in the afternoon on December 29, LWS and Shanghai Angel Baby Charity Foundation signed the ceremony of "The First Angel Baby Student Charity Association in China" was a complete success! Famous actors Huang Yi and Wang Jun, one of the founders of Angel Baby, also came to the school to share their charities journey.

In fact, since 2018, LWS and Angel Baby have gone through nearly 4 springs and autumns together. They donate to Angel Baby every year. By 2021, they have donated 850,000 yuan, and in 2019, they also cooperated with Angel Baby on the campus of LWS. Charity Garden Party, we hope to truly bring warmth and help to children with difficulties, so that caring people can understand and participate. Today, the LWS Angel Baby Student Charity Club was officially born. We hope to use our actions to convey love and warmth, to lighten up tomorrow of others with love, and to illuminate our own future!


Public welfare videos move people's hearts



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We watched a video documenting the charity helping the injured children and it touched the hearts of many people. Everyone saw the painful eyes of the children due to accidental injuries. They were very distressed and worried, and some parents shredded tears. We have also seen some children getting better after the rescue, showing bright smiles again. These warm and touching moments really touched our hearts!


Talk about public welfare







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Ms. Tang Wen, the school director of LWS Education Group, said that since the beginning of the school, LWS has been actively encouraging and guiding children to participate in various clubs and cultivate children's qualities of love for public welfare and willingness to help others. The Orbis club in our school helps blind people. The establishment of the LWS Angel Baby Charity Association also hopes that our children can continue to pass on love and help to those in need. I hope that our LWS children will be caring and responsible people from an early age!

Next, Ms. Huang Yi and Ms. Wang Jun shared their original intention of doing charity, and some of the difficulties and touching stories encountered in the process of doing charity, which caused the audience to cry several times!

Ms. Huang Yi talked about some of her feelings after becoming a mother. “Before becoming a mother, you were alone. After becoming a mother, you will find yourself softened. I do my best to provide a better life for the child, hoping that she will grow up healthy, but at the same time, I also see some children’s life difficulties, or the news of accidental injuries and deaths of children. These often touch your heart. As a mother, you will have empathy, so you will have empathy for other children when they are in danger, and want to help them”. This is also the original intention of Ms. Huang Yi to start charity.

The parents at the scene also felt deeply. The editor believes that every mother will not be able to see the children being hurt and suffering and not want to do their part to help these children!






所以当我们看到这些因意外可能身体残缺的孩子,要给予他们尊重,比起身体上的创伤,心灵的伤痛是很难治愈的,我希望人人都能关爱这些孩子不论是身体还是心灵上, 让每一个孩子都能有个健康快乐的人生。

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Huang Yi often takes her children to do charity activities, so that she can be in a loving and positive environment from an early age. One time when I took my daughter to visit a burns victim child, a little girl named Ziyi really touched her. Her daughter was very resistant to the little girl at first, maybe because she was afraid of the little girl who had been burnt but the little girl told her, “Don’t be afraid of me, I’m not a bad person, I will protect you.” In the process of getting along with the child, her daughter also accepted the child, and later invited the child to be a guest at their home. I see that under Huang Yi's unknowingly influence. The young hearts of her daughter have also planted the seeds of love for public welfare!

When talking about what the recipients need most, Ms. Wang Jun said: It’s respect. Every child’s heart is young and fragile. Young children are very sensitive to external affairs, so when we see that these children who may be physically disabled due to accidents, they should be respected. Compared with physical wounds, spiritual pain is harder to heal. I hope that everyone can care for these children, both physically and spiritually. Let every child have a healthy and happy life.


Signing Ceremony


Finally, under the witness of everyone, LWS "Angel Baby Charity Club" was formally signed and established, and everyone took a group photo in a warm atmosphere!


LWS hopes that on the road to public welfare, children can learn to be responsible and caring, which is also helpful for children's overall physical and mental development!

- END -责编:LWS Newsroom








